GSM Based Home Automation System using Arduino: Project

Pls .can u add in code to receive msg when motion detection. Hi, PIR Sensor detects motion and hence can be used for detecting intruders. Can you suggest us how would you like to use the magnetic switch?

As i m a begineer hw will i start to construct my adruino based SMS alert fire alarm system. Our program is designed for LM35 – which is a linear sensor. Can you help me to prepare program for this application & NTC sensor connection. Also we use this same code to build our Fire Alarm kits.

want to buy this project

Only four I/O pins of arduino uno are used in the project. Two pins are of Uart channel Pin#0 and 1 of arduino uno. Pin#8 of arduino uno is connected to pir motion sensor out pin and pin#9 of arduino uno is connected to door contact sensor. Pir motion detector and door contact sensor can be powered through the arduino +5 volt output. But i prefer to use an external power supply for powering the pir and door sensor. In this tutorial, I will show you how to make GSM Home Security using Arduino UNO, SIM800L GSM Module and PIR Motion Sensor.

This project is developed using 8051 microcontroller. It can be used to detect any intrusion in houses and offices and send the alerts on cell phones. Let us know how to develop this system, step by step. If fire occurs, room temperature will cross 45 degrees and an inner subroutine SetAlert() will be invoked. SetAlert() is the function that controls number of SMS alerts sent to each mobile number loaded in the program.

nice project..

I would like to make an answer because it is an interesting projeckt. Connect both Arduino boards one by one to the PC and select the correct COM port in Arduino IDE. Compile the program . Then, select the correct board from Tools→Board menu in Arduino IDE and upload the sketch.

gsm based home security system using arduino circuit diagram

Now, the Arduino communicates with the SIM800L GSM module via serial communication to send Text Messages to the owner’s mobile number. The mobile number has pre-programmed in code, you can change it in code. Data pins of LCD namely RS, EN, D4, D5, D6, D7 are connected to arduino digital pin number 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.

it dont receive comands of sms

ULN2003 can drive upto 7 Relays, use ULN2803 for 8 Relays. I'm sorry but i have make the same with the project with serial and it go fine. After receiving data serially we have stored it in a string and then waiting for Enter. Max long wire can be used on reedsensor between ardunio. How can i get the Arduino IC , because i know its a program based PIC.

They must not be connected while programming the Arduino. With the help of RS232, the modem can be connected to PC or microcontroller via serial cable. Voice calls, SMS and internet access are possible with this module. Modern complex home security systems include several security features like fire, intruders, electronic door lock, heat, smoke, temperature, etc. Some security systems may be a combination of all the security measures.

Attach the digital-10 pin of the Arduino with the TX pin of the GSM module. Join the RX pin of the GSM module with the digital-11 pin of the Arduino. You can also view the live working of this project by opening the serial monitor tab in the Arduino IDE.

The software constantly scans for a positive input at pin 9 of Board 1. When all the reed switches are closed and outputs of all PIR sensors are low, D9 is held low by T5. Since we are reading the status of the sensors so we must declare them input. After declaring the arduino sensor interfacing pins as input. Arduino Uart module is present on arduino pin#0 and 1. To declare and start the arduino uart module in arduino ide we use Serial.begin() command.

Transmitter is our cell phone

You can build this security system at home with a little efforts. All sim900 gsm modules communicates with external controllers/microcontrollers on Uart protocol. In order to send and receive data to sim900 gsm module the external microcontroller must also have a Uart port. In simple words Uart communication takes place between two Uart ports. Gsm sim900 module has Uart port so our external microcontroller must also have one to communicate with gsm module.

gsm based home security system using arduino circuit diagram

According to the database and the conditions the Arduino sends the instruction to the gsm module for sending the msg to the sim module. There are some AT commands according to these commands the GSM Module works. The programming part of this system is also very easy. In programming only we have to read the PIR sensor output and then we have to send only single AT command to GSM module to make a voice call.

thoughts on “GSM based home security system

When any living being comes in range of PIR sensor, it detects heat of that living being and generate an output. PIR sensor module does not send any rays for detection, its only detects heat . You can know more about PIR sensor in PIR sensor circuit. Our proposed system is a fire alarm system that the information will be sent to a cellphone and computer. We will be installing a smoke sensor, gsm shiled, arduino in an establishment the server will be 1 km away.

A positive output on pin 8 or pin 11 of Board 1 is necessary to put the system in armed mode, which is indicated by LED1. As soon as one of the reed switches in the closed loop opens, or PIR sensors detect motion, logic level on D9 goes high via D8 or D11. You need to understand about the PIR sensor, please check this article about PIR sensor. Would you please give me a design of water level sensor connecting arduino to send sms to the server computer or phone. I am using the same LM35,GSM and Arduino to design SMS based temperature monitoring system.

@Rajendra What do you mean by "relay not working properly", give us more detail. Circuit diagram clearly explains the connections, connect NO and NC terminals of relay properly. I hope you can help me the project with serial comands go well but no with gsm . I make this project.but the relay not work properly. Please give the information of relay connection. Sir i am using SIM900A GSM Module instead of SIM900 GSM Module is this module compatible with this circuit or i have to use SIM900 GSM module.

gsm based home security system using arduino circuit diagram

Circuit and program is independent of country. Change the mobile number in the program with your country code. Please help I want to use more than one smoke sensor in different location using one program to control the system . If you have made any changes to the program, make sure the program flow enters the subroutine to check shut down. Night Owl – We all know owls don’t sleep during night. SMS based Fire Alarm system helps to monitor locations and alert during fire that occurs in night time.


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